
Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature

av Michael Schuenke och Eric W. Baker

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Förlag Thieme Publishing Group
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2016-02-10
ISBN 9781626232389
Kategori(er) Medicin, vård & fysiologi
 ↳ Odontologi
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Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature, combines award-winning, full-color illustrations, explanatory text, and summary tables to guide the reader through the complex anatomy of the head and neck as well as other body regions relevant to dental medicine. Each region is arranged in a user-friendly format beginning with the skeletal framework. The musculature is then added, followed by the neurovasculature, and finally, topographic anatomy shows all structures in situ.

Key features:

  • All labels and anatomic terminology are in Latin nomenclature
  • Over 1,200 clear, detailed, full-color illustrations
  • Expanded captions elucidate key concepts and contain relevant clinical correlations
  • Over 150 tables for quick access to key information
  • Includes embryology and rest of body? anatomy
  • Expanded neuroanatomy chapter
  • Sectional anatomy chapter that includes radiographic images to facilitate clinical understanding
  • Appendix covering the anatomy for local anesthesia with step-by-step instructions for these important procedures
  • Appendices with review questions and answers, both factual and clinical-vignette style

Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature, includes access to PLUS, the interactive online study aid, with all full-color illustrations and radiographs from this volume and the review questions and answers in an interactive format. Review or test your anatomy knowledge with timed self-tests using the labels on-and-off function on the illustrations, with access to instant results.

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