
Oral Radiology | 7:e upplagan

av Stuart C. White

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Förlag Elsevier
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2013-12-12
Upplaga 7
Fler upplagor
Antal sidor 696
ISBN 9780323096331
Kategori(er) Medicin, vård & fysiologi
 ↳ Odontologi
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With more than 1,000 high-quality radiographs and illustrations, this bestselling book visually demonstrates the basic principles of oral and maxillofacial radiology as well as effective clinical application. You'll be able to diagnose and treat patients effectively with the coverage of imaging techniques, including specialized techniques such as MRI and CT, and the comprehensive discussion of the radiographic interpretation of pathology. The book also covers radiation physics, radiation biology, and radiation safety and protection - helping you provide state-of-the-art care! "The book provides a means for clinicians to develop a quality control by comparing images to the gold standard in terms of geometry and contrast, subsequently furthering competency and thus attaining the maximal diagnostic yield possible when exposing to ionising radiation. This is a valuable source of information that should be in the armamentarium of any dentist in training or wanting to develop their competence in oral radiology." BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL VOLUME 217 NO. 2 JUL 25 2014 (Elsevier)

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