
Inorganic Chemistry | 7:e upplagan

av Mark Weller, Tina / Rourke och Jonathan / Armstrong

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Förlag Oxford University Press
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2018-07-01
Upplaga 7
Fler upplagor 2012/4, 2014/5
Antal sidor 968
ISBN 9780198768128
Kategori(er) Naturvetenskap & teknik
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Leading the reader from the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry, right through to cutting-edge research at the forefront of the subject, Inorganic Chemistry, Seventh Edition is the ideal course companion for the duration of a student's degree.The authors have drawn upon their extensive teaching and research experience to update this text; the seventh edition retains the much-praised clarity of style and layout from previous editions, while offering an enhanced section on 'expanding our horizons'. The latest innovative applications of green chemistry have been added, to clearly illustrate the real-world significance of the subject. This edition also sees a greater used of learning features, including substantial updates to the problem solving questions, additional self-tests and walk through explanations which enable students to check their understanding of key concepts and develop problem-solving skills. Providing comprehensive coverage of inorganic chemistry, while placing it in context, this text will enable the reader to fully master this important subject.Online Resources:Inorganic Chemistry, Seventh Edition is accompanied by a range of online resources:For registered adopters of the text:* Figures, marginal structures, and tables of data ready to download* Test bankFor students:* Answers to self-tests and exercises from the book* Tables for group theory* Web links* Links to interactive structures and other resources on

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